Chapter 9

Mindle 3: Combinations of Uncertain Numbers

Simulation of Two Spinners

Download the Excel file here.

A simulation of two spinners

A simulation of two spinners

Spinner With Bins

Download the Excel file here.

Chapter 9 Spinner with Bins.jpg

Effects of Diversifying Across Films

Animation of Figure 9.9

Animation of Figure 9.9


Where Rick Medress met the Central Limit Theorem

When I was writing this chapter, I decided to check out the Georgian Hotel on the web. There I found a virtual tour of the veranda with the very bench on which Rick and I sat when we created the simulation shown above. While on the tour I took a few snapshots for the animated GIF you see here, which shows the bench and the view across Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica.

Chapter 9 Georgian Veranda.gif